Handling App Passwords

Bitbucket will no longer allow git bash or git GUI to access your cloud based repositories using your username and login . Instead, you will have to create a onetime App password to assign to a program. They have information about how to do it, but I had a lot of problems. I had to untangle a lot of layered local, global, and system configs for the git program, so here is a 15 min summary of me banging my head on the desk and winning.

Atlassian: Create an app password

Atlassian support thread

  1. Set remote url to use bitbucket username, not email. For example, md22 not matt.dillon@osu.edu. You may need to change this in both bash and SourceTree
    1. In SourceTree see Settings>>Remotes and select a remote account

    2. In Bash

  2. Set email to <username>@bitbucket.org. In Source tree it can be changed in repository settings.

  3. Make sure you don’t have old passwords stored anywhere.
    1. First check and remove from git config.
    1. Then go to any .git-credentials files and delete any passwords or *.lock files. I spent almost and hour searching for one hidden on N:/home

  4. Create a new app password in your Bitbucket account

  5. Setting the new App Password:
    1. First, in SourceTree, go to Tools>>Options>>Authentication and set Basic or OAuth (worked for me)
    2. Then go to ControlPanel:CredentialManager>>WindowsCredentials (you can hit the windows key and just type CredentialManager)
    3. Then add or edit git:https://bitbucket.org. Insert the AppPassword here