*********************** Handling App Passwords *********************** Bitbucket will no longer allow git bash or git GUI to access your cloud based repositories using your username and login . Instead, you will have to create a onetime App password to assign to a program. They have information about how to do it, but I had a lot of problems. I had to untangle a lot of layered local, global, and system configs for the git program, so here is a 15 min summary of me banging my head on the desk and winning. `Atlassian: Create an app password `_ `Atlassian support thread `_ #. Set remote url to use bitbucket username, not email. For example, md22 not matt.dillon\@osu.edu. You may need to change this in both bash and SourceTree #. In SourceTree see Settings>>Remotes and select a remote account #. In Bash .. code-block:: git remote get-url origin git remote set-url origin https://@bitbucket.org/hjandrews/.git git remote get-url origin #. Set email to @bitbucket.org. In Source tree it can be changed in repository settings. .. code-block:: git config user.email git config --global user.email "@bitbucket.org" git config user.email #. Make sure you don't have old passwords stored anywhere. #. First check and remove from git config. .. code-block:: git config --list git config user.password git config --unset user.password #. Then go to any .git-credentials files and delete any passwords or \*.lock files. I spent almost and hour searching for one hidden on N:/home .. code-block:: git config --list --show-origin #. Create a new app password in your Bitbucket account #. Setting the new App Password: #. First, in SourceTree, go to Tools>>Options>>Authentication and set Basic or OAuth (worked for me) #. Then go to ControlPanel:CredentialManager>>WindowsCredentials (you can hit the windows key and just type CredentialManager) #. Then add or edit `git:https://bitbucket.org`. Insert the AppPassword here